大人 1,200円
小中学生 250円
※特別展「国宝」開催期間中は大人 1,500円、小中学生 250円
1-15-1 Tatara,Hofu City,Yamaguchi Prefecture
Telephone Number
Regular Holiday
12/22〜31,Exhibition change period(Garden is open all year around)
Open Hours
9:00〜17:00 (Admission is until 16:30)
Admission Fee
◆Museum admission fee
Elementary and junior high school students:¥250
During the special exhibition “National Treasure”, the fee is ¥1,300 for adults and ¥250 for elementary and junior high school students.
◆Garden entrance fee
Adults: ¥500
Elementary and junior high school students:¥250
◆Common ticket (Museum/Garden set ticket)
Elementary and junior high school students:¥250
During the special exhibition “National Treasure”, the fee is ¥1,500 for adults and ¥250 for elementary and junior high school students.
1)10% discount for adults in groups (20 people or more)
2)Elementary, middle and high school students in the city receive discounts for school events. Reservation required.
3)Those with a disability certificate will be charged half the price above.
4)Welfare facility users can enter for half the price listed above if they enter as part of a group sponsored by the facility.
Group discounts are not available for 3) and 4) above. If both apply, please choose one.

The 3,300 square meter main residence having an entrance with a Kara-hafu roof(an undulating bargeboard, a type of rounded gable)was designated as a national important cultural property in 2011.
There are 60 rooms and the total area is 780 tatami mats (approx. 1263.6 square meter).
The specifications avoid extravagance and have a calm and elegant design.
“A group of large-scale and complex buildings are organized in a traditional Japanese style with modern architectural techniques skillfully incorporated into the structure and design, as well as layout of buildings, which demonstrating the essence of modern Japanese-style housing. (Agency for Cultural Affairs)”
It was built using quality materials from both inside and outside Japan, including hinoki (Japanese cypress) from the imperial forest, lignitised Japanese cedar from Yakushima, and zelkova from Taiwan.

The hallway on the east side of the entrance is made of a single piece of zelkova board from Taiwan, 11.3 meters long, 1.5 meters wide, and 20 centimeters thick, finished with lacquer.

客間は旧大名家の邸宅にふさわしい正統的な書院造り。広間(18畳)、次ノ間(15畳)、三ノ間 (9 畳 )。南北に一間幅(約181cm)の入側廊下(縁座敷 畳敷きの廊下)を設けています。
床の間の床柱(幅18cm 長さ302cm)と落掛は檜柾目材。
The two shoin-style reception rooms are the only rooms for Western-style use in the main residence, however, they have zelkova wood boarded floor, giving it a Japanesestyle appearance.
These are the most formal rooms next to Japanese-style guest rooms.
The guest room is in the traditional shoin style, suitable for the residence of a former feudal lord.
Hall (18 tatami mats), next room (15 tatami mats), and third room (9 tatami mats).
Next to the guest rooms, there is an irikawa-roka or enzashiki, a corridor with tatami flooring (approx. 181 cm width) running north and south.
The pillars in the Japanese-style alcove (18 cm width, 302 cm length) and the horizontal pillars above are made of Cypress straight grain.
The main guest room has outer coved, finely latticed folded coffered ceiling (oriage kogumi goutenjou).
The ceilings in the next and third rooms have finely latticed and coffered ceilings (kogumi goutenjou).
Deshoin (a built-in table) at the corridor (daylighting) side, has cloud-shaped windows and transoms with rhombus-shaped flowers.

床脇の格式のある清楼棚(せいろうだな 書院造の違い棚としては最も正式のもののひとつ。
棚板は槻如鱗(じょりん)杢目板。雛束(ひなづか 棚の上下をつなぐ束)、筆返、袋棚前には深彫御定紋付唐草模様金箔三返押消鍍金物(ふかぼり・ごじょうもんつき・からくさもよう・きんぱく・さんがえしおし.けしめっきかなもの)を打っています。
The shelf next to the alcove is called Seirodana which is one of the most formal shelves in the Shoin style.
The shelves are made of zelkova with Zyorin (wood grain resembling fishscales or rings ).
The metal fittings in front of the shelves, hinazuka (struts between shelves), fudegaeshi (brushstop), and fukurodana (small cupboard) have the design of the established crest of Mohri and arabesque pattern leaves gold plated.

防衛のため、1階客間2部屋、書斎、寝室、奥居間は二重床張りで、下床と上床の間に籾殻を丹礬(たんばん 銅の硫酸塩鉱物)で洗浄乾燥した物を充填しています。
The duke’s living room has an alcove on the north side, the study has an alcove along with tokowaki cabinet on the east side, and a hira-shoin (one type of window used in a shoin style room) on the south side, making it similar in formality to a guest room.
The border between the duke’s living room and the next room was decorated with an openwork transom having Omodaka (Sagittaria trifolia L. /Mohri’s family crest) and herons designed, and it was also used as one room when connected to each other.
For protecting against enemy, the two guest rooms, study, bedroom, and back living room on the first floor have double floors, and the spaces between the floors are filled with rice husks that have been washed and dried with tanban (copper sulfate mineral).
It is unique in that not only the main house, but also living spaces, such as the family room, bathroom, dining room, various offices, storehouses, boiler building, laundry building, generator building, and others have been left intact, so that this residence is valued as cultural treasure.

The large front gate located at the end of the approach road leading from the former Saigoku Kaido(western highway) is built on a cement foundation.
At the time of its completion, cement was still a rare material in Japan.
The giant lantern in the garden is also made of cement.

The Mohri residence was also the first in the region to have a telephone.
Electricity was supplied by an American-made private generator, and there was also a boiler for hot water supply.
All of the light fixtures, emblazoned with family crests, were custom-made in Germany.

Gardens and Plantings

On the left side of the path leading from the front gate to the mansion, a double row of azaleas are planted, which bloom in spring and early summer. There is a maple forest along the Nagi River that flows on the right side, and the leaves turn bright red in autumn.
In the Edo period, the approach to a mansion in the castle went through a square area for defense purposes.
In an era when horse-drawn carriages and passenger cars were used, the long approach was a kind of highly formal design.

Sprawling out to the south of the two-story shoin style building of the main residence is a big pond stroll style garden.
The area of the garden is approximately 55,000 square meters, and the inner pond occupies approximately 5,500 square meters.
“In addition to the excellent site selection, this garden’s primary purpose is to convey the character of the traditional garden of the main residence of a feudal lord that dates back to the Edo period, it is highly acclaimed as having the greatest value for being introduced throughout and beautifully expressed. (Agency for Cultural Affairs)”

In front of the shoin, large garden stones and pine trees are arranged, and in front of them is a large step down, where water lead from the valley from the east is dropped down by a 3.5-meter-high gigantic waterfall stone to the pond.
Around the pond, stone structures, plants, lawns, gazebos, lanterns, etc. are arranged in appropriate places, embodying the typical stroll style garden.
There are more than 250 species of garden plants, mainly pine trees, and the garden stones are granite-type mountain stones and river stones produced locally.
To the west of the garden, there is a large lawn square that was mainly used for garden parties, a characteristic of this era.
Seasonal Flowers

Late February to late March: Plum

Late March to early April: Cherry blossom

Mid-April to late April: Double cherry blossom

Mid-April to late April: Azaleas

Late April to early May: Wisteria

Late May to early June: Satsuki

May to October: Water lily

Mid-November to early December: Maple
National Treasures

The Mohri Museum’s collection of over 20,000 items includes many important cultural properties, including four national treasures.
春から始まり冬で終わる 四季の山水の変化を、長さ16mにも及ぶ長巻の上に、雄大な構 図でドラマチックに描き出しています。1486年(文明18年)、雪舟67歳の作。
“Four Seasons Landscape” is a work by Sesshu (1420-1506), a famous water-ink painter.
The changing landscapes of the four seasons, starting from spring and ending with winter, are dramatically depicted in a majestic composition on a 16m long scroll.
Painted in1486, by Sesshu at the age of 67.
A 26.5-cm length short sword said to have been made in the latter half of the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
There is no inscription, it is a typical Yamato item from the late Kamakura period and is in good condition.
The Kokin Wakashu is Japan’s first imperially selected anthology of waka poems, compiled in 905 by four people, including Tsurayuki Ki.
Of the 20 volumes, only volume 8 which we have, volume 5, and volume 20 of this book are complete, with six volumes
remaining as fragments: volumes 1, 2, 3, 9, 18, and 19.
It is an established theory that this book is a copy written by MINAMOTO no Kaneyuki.
The paper is made by sprinkling mica sand on white hemp paper, and it sparkles depending on the angle you view it from.
Combined with the elegant and plain writing, it evokes the noble world of the Heian dynasty and nobility.
史記 呂后本記
史記 呂后本記第九は、1073年に書写した中国の歴史です。この毛利家本は1073年(延久5年)に毛利氏の先祖・大江家国が書写記点合、受訓をし、後に家行が伝領して1101年(康和3年)に秘本によって照合し、さらに1196年(建久7年)に侍従時通が読了したことが知られています。
Ninth volume of “Shiki Lu Hou’s” is a history of China.
According to records, the Mohri family manuscript was copied by Iekuni Oe.
Who is an ancestor of the Mohri clan, in 1073, collated by Ieyuki in 1101, and read through by the chamberlain Tokimichi in 1196.
nationally designated important cultural properties
Colored paperback Motonari Mohri image
This painting, which is said to have been created shortly after Motonari’s death by people who knew him well during
his lifetime, is said to depict Motonari as a veteran Sengoku warlord who led the Mohri clan to its greatest strength.
Secret Imperial Command of attacking the Shogunate
This was a private imperial order issued by the Imperial Court on October 14, 1867 to the lords of the Choshu
domain, Takachika Mohri and his son Sadahiro (later Motonori), ordering them to attack the shogunate.
It is now believed that the imperial edict was not issued through formal procedures.
Japanese King’s Seal and Seal Box
The Seal material is cherry wood, and the stamp surface is 10.1 cm square, and the height is 4.1 cm on the right
side and 3.5 cm on the left side.
This seal is said to have been the tally trade seal given to Yoshimitsu Ashikaga by the Ming Dynasty.
The original seal was a gold seal, but it was lost during the war, so it is thought that it was produced as a substitute.
能装束 紅萌葱地山道菊桐文片身替唐織
Noh costume. Designed in alternating panels style with karaori (Chinese style woven silk fabric )which contain chrysanthemum and Paulownia along mountain path pattern on moegi (yellow green) tinging with pale crimson ground color.
It is said that this was given to Mohri Terumoto by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.